Does your store have all information for Specified Commercial Transaction Act?

Specified Commercial Transactions Act 

The Specified Commercial Transactions Act is an Act for with the purpose of preventing business operators'' illegal, or malicious solicitation while protecting consumer benefits. Specifically, rules that business operators should obey, and rules for protecting consumers. 

In order to use Japanese domestic payment methods, the merchants are required to add the page of "特定商取引法に基づく表記" (Information required by Act on Specified Commercial Transactions) on the website in Japanese.

(Please place it where consumers can access it from the TOP page.)

[Specified Commercial Transactions Act Guideline (English)]

[Specified Commercial Transactions Act Guideline (Japanese)]

[Information required by the Specified Commercial Transactions Act]

ショップ名 (Shop name) KOMOJU *State the same as your onlineshop name
販売業者 (Company name) 株式会社DEGICA *State the same as your business document
運営統括責任者 (Responsible person) モモセ・ジャック・レオン *Full name of the responsible person
所在地 (Address)

〒123-4567東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町 1-2-3 KOMOJUビル1階 *Full address including postal code  *If you have multi address, state the address that doing the actual operation and sales of the shop.

*Also required for individual business owners.

電話番号 (Phone number) 050-1234-5678 *Also required for individual business owners.
メールアドレス (email address) *No url to the contact form. State a email address.
お支払方法 (Available payment methods)

・クレジットカード ・銀行振込 ・コンビニエンスストア(先払い)

*Available payment method for purchase

*If there are limitation on usable credit card brand, also state here.

商品代金以外の必要料金 (Other costs)

・コンビニ支払い手数料 ・銀行振込手数料 ・消費税(商品代金に含んで表示)


*State a clear amount.

*State all fee that will occur other then the product price

お支払時期・期限 (Payment time) ・クレジットカード:決済時(クレジットカード会社ごとに異なります) ・銀行振込:ご注文後7日以内 ・コンビニエンスストア:ご注文後3日以内
引き渡し時期 (When the goods will be shipped) お支払い確認後3日以内に発送 *State a clear date and information
返品 (Return and refund) 商品到着より7日以内 *All conditions for return and refund
資格・免許 (Business Licecense) ・古物商許可証、酒類販売業免許などの情報 *If applicable
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