Refunding transaction fee with the product price (Konbini and Pay-easy)

In a case where you require to refund the customer with the transaction fee, please follow the steps below.

*Refund for Konbini and Pay-easy will be a transfer to the purchasers' bank account. The transaction fee will be refunded the same way.

*Please note that the refunded transaction fee will be charged to your account. 

*Refund for only the transaction fee is not available.


1. Please acquire the bank account information of the purchaser.

(Account name / Bank name / Branch number / Account type / Account number) 

2. Open the transaction information of the customer from the KOMOJU dashboard and select the "Refund Payment" on the top right of the screen. 

3. In the refund request window, enter the bank account information. When you select "決済手数料を含む" , the purchaser will be refunded with the transaction fee included.

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