Where is my secret key?

What is a secret key?

Your secret key can be used by an application or third-party integration to create payments on KOMOJU.

Where can I find my secret key?

Your secret key can be found in the "Merchant Settings" on KOMOJU admin.

Use the following instructions to find your secret key:

1. Login to KOMOJU here https://komoju.com/admin

2. From the dashboard select "Merchant Settings"

3. In the "Merchant Settings" your "Secret key" is shown in the section below:

What is an API version?

The [KOMOJU API] is versioned to keep the API evolving while maintaining backward compatibility. The name of an API version is based on the date it was released. For example, API version "2024-07-15" was released on July 15, 2024.By specifying the API version when editing the private or public key, you can set the API version for API requests using that private or public key.

Please note that your "Secret key" is different in Test mode and Live mode.

When using Live mode, please do not forget to update your "Secret key".

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